会员登录 - 用户注册 - 设为首页 - 加入收藏 - 网站地图 2019年12月四六级真题及解析汇总!四六级考试作文选词填空答案完整版 四六级卷二卷三翻译原文及解析!

2019年12月四六级真题及解析汇总!四六级考试作文选词填空答案完整版 四六级卷二卷三翻译原文及解析

时间:2024-05-12 11:49:35 来源:煊昱头条 作者:休闲 阅读:380次

  中国小康网讯 综合报道 2019年12月英语六级考试已经结束了,年月小编为大家带来了第一手四六级考试资讯。真解析级考级卷卷翻解析以下为本次考试英语六级解析及答案。题及


  26:G)the detrimental effects

  27:J)that indulging in

  28:E)memory deficits

  29:A)as assessed by

  30:L)emerge rapidly within

  31:B)adults assigned to

  32:O)memory similar to

  33:C)negative consequences of

  34:D)changed conspicuously.

  35:N)exercise regularly


  信息匹配:Increased Screen Time and Wellbeing D

  36:G)首句: So far,汇总 so plausible

  37:C)首句: To investigate, Twenge and her colleagu dived into the

  38:H)首句: A similar but reversed pattern was for the activities ssociated

  39:D)首句: Twenge and her colleagues wanted to understand why this change

  40:B)首句: Now a new study has provided another contribution to the debate

  41:E)首句:Fist, they explain that if a given variable is playing a role in

  42:J)首句: The researchers conclude that electronic communication was the

  43:F)首句:Next, Twenge' team dug a little deeper into data on screen time

  44:Ⅰ)首句: There is another explanation that twenge and her colleagues

  45:A)首句: Have young people never had it so good?



  46:A)It shows they have the ability to view complex situations form different angles

  47:D)It involves lots of sophisticated mental activity

  48.B)When they face too much peer pressure

  49: B)When they are under watchful eyes

  50: B)They will tell bigger lies


  51:C)A massive natural catastrophe

  52:A)To prepare people for a major earthquake and tsunami

  53:D)Enormous stress is released

  54:A)Coordinating various disaster-relief efforts

  55:C)Its occurrence is just a matter of time


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